SpaceTime (2015)
SpaceTime was a commission by the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, MA for their Annual Gala. The museum's grand atrium inspired me to create a sculptural installation with performance that, on one hand, took the architecture of the site into consideration and, on the other hand, kind of extended it into the space itself.
Following a sails-like structure under the glass roof, the sculptural installation consisted of three double-lines of white fabric spanning through the space forming fan-like elements. At the end of each, a performer was wrapped in. During the performance, they slowly and quietly moved through the guests gradually unfolding their fabric lines and expanding the installation into the space. The ever so subtle shifts of the performers created a constantly changing configuration of the installation. As a result, depending on where the performers were located at a given time the viewer would have a dramatically different experience of the space. As the presentation concluded, the performers "completed" the installation by forming a 150-foot long zigzag line through the entire space of the atrium.
SpaceTime refers to the space-time continuum as described in Einstein's theory of relativity, which introduces a 4-dimensional space consisting of three space and one time dimensions.